Hi all, one of my New Years resoloutions is to get/stay in better shape, ride my bikes more and raise the roof off of our need for more road awareness across our great country! One of the first orders on the plate is in Zwift!! I’m going to create a group meet up in the days ahead to tackle the Alpe Du Zwift or Alpe Du Huez, and even if you’re not up to level 12 yet, I am, and if you friend me on Zwift I’ll invite you and you’re in! Like all rides on Zwift that BFA hosts, we will have the group feature turned on, so as long as you’re turning you’re cranks we as a group will stay together!! I’ll have a special t-shirt for any/all riders on the ride with a code at the end that you can exchange for a free commemorative BFA ride tshirt on the BFA store!! Here’s a profile of the ride!!