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Writer's pictureDavid Mathews

Congrats Teams BFA!!

I would like to personally thank both teams of Bikefriendlyatl for the awesome support and constant push during the Atlanta Cycling Challenge! We entered the contest knowing that with our constant riding team mates we would probably be the team(s) to beat! Well that actually became the way as the first three weeks came to a close and we both came out of pool competition and into the final sprint week. No team was going to come close to the overall mileage our two teams put up and the only way anyone would out point us is with anything other than RIDING!!! That held true and we were nabbed in the end by mouse clicking teams. That's unfortunate but maybe the site should be titled "lovetoclick" or "lovetorecruit". I'm proud of both the squads that will be awarded a special

t-shirt at the BFA Fundraiser on the 20th! Our families of our fallen friends thank you too! If there's another time, cya then!!

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